Saturday, 28 January 2012

Well Hello There

Haere mai!  (Welcome)

Wow!  The first entry of a new blog.  A blog that is going to serve as a means to share my upcoming travel adventures with those I love and will inevitably miss.  This site will follow me as I journey to exotic places on the magnificent globe we know as Earth.  Those who visit my site will share in my love of the sheer beauty of towering mountains, and at other times will bask in the serenity of pristine and secluded beaches.  You'll visit both  quaint hostel settings as well as the bustling streets of a downtown cityscape.  Fancy something a little more historical?  Fear not, we'll also explore many of the secret treasures that this grand little world has hidden away for us.

Before I go off on a tangent about the awesome nature of our world, I should introduce myself.  My name is Courtney.  I'm an energetic 25 year old spinster, with a passion for the outdoors and a hankering for adventure.  (Which I blame entirely on my father.)  I live for fresh air, and if possible, I would spend every weekend with a backpack on.  My parents, Lorelei and Richard, are two of the best people on the planet, and I am eternally grateful for their constant love and support.  My younger sis, Chelsey is equally as awesome, and I sincerely wish that she could be with me on this trip.  (She's probably one of the only people I wouldn't throw over the side of a cliff after too much time together.)  I enjoy playing sports, especially volleyball and badminton.  If anyone ever says 
that I'm too competitive, don't listen them them.  
They're just scared. 

I recently graduated from Capilano University in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, with a Bachelor of Business Administration.  I decided that before getting locked down into a career, I should get my behind in serious gear and do some traveling. 

Now the only question was, "Where?!"  Obviously I need to be surrounded by some daunting mountains.  Nearby seawater would be nice too...  Hmmm and I want to be able to hike until my legs give out.  Oh and I'd like to be as far away from those drooling, Courtney-eating grizzly bears as possible please. 

                                          *Ding*  That's it!

First stop:  New Zealand!  Land of the Kiwis and home to a vast array of glorious landforms. 

Passport arrival: Friday. 
Visa Application Approval:  Soon (please!)
Flights Booked: Very shortly (Possibly in the next day or two)
Excitement level:  Through the roof! 

I'd like for you to keep me company throughout my adventure.  Laugh with me as I indulge in the New Zealand culture and traditions, cry with me when I'm stranded on a barren road, and gasp alongside me as I stand in awe of a magnificent mountain peak. 

Hooray (Goodbye) for now!


  1. I am excited yet very sad by your departure. Can't wait to see all the places you go!

  2. I will miss you and Neobear so so sooo much <3
